A Landing Page has one rule and that’s to convert visitors. Landing pages have become essential to turning out great advertising campaigns. It doesn’t matter what the objective is – just make sure it’s clear and designed well! Here’s some common landing page mistake to avoid.

1. Unclear or weak CTA

The point of getting someone to a landing page to take an action whether that be a purchase, sign up for a webinar or building an email list. If a page has multiple or an unclear call to action visitors will not convert.

A good CTA is usually large and in the center of the page with clear language.

2. Long Headline

The headline should be clear and inviting, leading people to want to stay on the page and take action. This is the first thing visitors see when they land on a page so don’t bore them or make it unexciting.

3. Confusing Form

Don’t overwhelm visitors by asking for too much information, keep it simple and only ask for basic contact information that is necessary for the campaign.

4. Irrelevant Images

It’s best to use actual images of the product or service that is being offered. If something feels too stock like it might turn people away as being fake or a scam.

5. Unclear Message

It’s best to have a header, sub-header, and clear bullet points. Bold and enlarge important words that help get the message across. Don’t confuse a visitor with too many words on the screen and unclear messaging.

6. Creating Only One Landing Page

Just like you would segment an email campaign for who is most likely to purchase or open. It is best practice to create different landing pages for each target audience group. These pages do not have to be extremely different, just key differences that would be highly specific to the different buyer needs.

7. Slow Load Time

A landing page should load in 2 seconds or less because it will lead prospects away. Put yourself in the customers’ shoes and predict what they will be asking and thinking. This will help to better anticipate answers in a clear and concise way.

8. No Business Logo

Visitors want to make sure they are on the correct page. Don’t lose credibility by leading prospects to a page that doesn’t have a logo, especially if the page isn’t totally on brand.

9. Pop-ups

Pop-ups are great on your full website but don’t distract from the CTA of a landing page with something else that will lead visitors astray.

10. Not Testing

Always A/B test to what performs the best. Test the color of buttons, different versions of headlines, what the submit button says when someone fills out a  form… the possibilities are endless.

We hope this helps as a guide to creating an awesome landing page! See where to make some tweaks on landing pages to lead to higher conversions. Need help designing the perfect landing page? Contact us!

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